Arranger, Orchestrator Musician & Music Notation Expert
Robert here. Thanks for contacting me.

Do you have a quick question about how to do something in Dorico, Finale or Sibelius? Try my internet search tool for music notation No luck? Email me. Perhaps I can help.

If answering your question might benefit the music notation community at large, I will post a short tutorial on my blog page. What have you got to lose? Give me a shot. No charge.

If you need help with something specific in Finale or Sibelius, a lesson or two might be beneficial. Let's talk a bit about what you are trying to accomplish.

Let's do an online music notation lesson! We can cover specific lesson topics together over the phone with screen share or via Zoom, FaceTime or Skype.

You can reach me by phone at 425.415.1500 or 200101 @ if you prefer email. If emailing, be sure to include your contact info like your phone number as well.
Copyright © 2020 Robert Puff